Tales from the consulting room: Exploring what you can do with your Pet First Aid kit - Abscess

Cats will be cats. And cats do get in fights quite a lot, bless them. Most of the time it is all noise and fluff. Occasionally, however, it can create some very serious injuries needing veterinary attention. A very common scenario is the puncture wound that initially doesn’t seem too bad. The trauma settles over a day or so, perhaps the cat seems ok. However, beneath the surface, the bugs are multiplying and there is a bit of a battle between the cat’s immune system and the opportunistic bacteria that have been introduced in to the traumatised flesh.

Net result – an abscess develops, initially it’s just a small swelling. Then it becomes bigger and more painful. Until it eventually can reach a point where the pus starts to burst out. Yuk!

It is likely that you will have taken you cat to the vet by this point. There are a variety of things the vet can then do to support the poor patient with Red Level intervention. Perhaps helping drain the abscess and flushing it out. Perhaps antibiotics and maybe painkillers. They may give some advice around Green Level management.

With the care being topped and tailed with Red and Green Level support, you can now think about Amber Level homeopathic remedies for extra complimentary support.  We have a fantastic classic remedy in our first aid kit that can help.

Hepar Sulph – This is a great remedy to help the pet deal better with sceptic and purulent states. As such it is very useful for helping the body heal from an abscess.

I typically give a dose three or four times a day for five to seven day, perhaps a bit longer if needed. It is amazing how that bit of extra help supports the cat healing nicely.

If you want to know more about homeopathy for your pets, then look out for the new services coming in 2023.

Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy do a great little first aid kit.


Tales from the consulting room: Exploring what you can do with your Pet First Aid kit - A touch of a cough


Tales from the consulting room: Exploring what you can do with your Pet First Aid kit - Post-op